Topic: A guy told me at the bait shop that using crayfish to catch largemouth bass is a great idea. They love these crawdads and a guy just caught a huge largemouth on one. Can someone walk me through using one and how to hook it and where to buy them or get them at? Will artificial ones work as well as live ones or no? Thanks for help. I’m only 13 yrs old, sorry if question is stupid.
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The best way to use crayfish for catching bass is to hook the crayfish in the tail and that way when you reel in the line it looks like it is naturally swimming like a Crawdad would. I like in Wisconsin and have tried using these a bait numerous times but never have any luck. You can also hook them between the eyes carefully without killing them. I find that way to be difficult but maybe you can master it better. Like I said, I’ve never had luck here in Wisconsin but maybe I’m fishing the wrong spots or the wrong time of year.
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I do know that catfish especially love these things and if you crack open the tail and use just the tail on your hook of bait… your going to slam a catfish. That is a delectable meal for a catfish because they can’t get into that shell or they can.. but it’s just very tough for them to open it up with their mouths. What happens at times is that the Crawdad gets attacked and ripped open a lot of the time and the catfish eats up bits and pieces of it. I have caught crawdads just to rip off the tail and just use those for catfish.
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Largemouth love these in the spring time especially because when the younger crawdads are in their youth they stupidly walk the bottoms and the fish gobble up these babies like scrambled eggs. Crustaceans reproduce in huge numbers so there are tons of them swimming around in the spring. In the fall though… it’s somewhat rare because the smart crawdads hide during the daylight and come out at night when fish and predators can’t see them.
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If you fish with them in small rivers you will do incredible. That’s where these little creatures are mostly so it’s common to see them and fish know this. I have tons of luck with northern pike hitting them and they put up a fight. As far as artificial or fake ones… Always know that real bait dominates fake every single day of the week. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
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Comment Posted:
I don’t know man… I have some pretty darn good artificial ones that look just like crawdads and you don’t even have to mess around touching those wicked nasty lobster punchers!! I hate touching those things to put them on the hook. The big ones hurt like a bleeding cut. I hate them. I’m on board with artificial all day.
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If you grab the midsection and are very slow with your movements they are very easy to hold. I would rather put on one of these then a giant leech but I guess that’s my opinion. So your afraid to touch a crustacean but I bet you love eating lobster don’t you?! Haha. I can understand being grossed out though.
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I can do leeches like a champion but when it comes to those pinchers and dangly little legs.. I freak out like a school girl who forgot to put on her makeup. It’s quite funny I guess and my buddies have actually thrown one in my sleeping bag to watch me scream like a 9 year old.
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Oh boy that’s funny! I gotta remember that one for when I’m trying to get my son back for putting spiders on me. Man that’s funny. I enjoyed your story of you being humiliated if it helps you at all haha. Too funny.