All oscars have a white spot right there. its actually a rub scar. Oscars are very friendly fish. Just as friendly as a dog. When they see their masters they rub up against the glass hoping you would feed him.
I’m pretty sure the glass won’t be as rough as sandpaper and it wouldn’t cause that white spot so that Oscar is wild caught .
Nope, you are wrong. I purchased my Oscar from Petco a year ago. He was only about 1 – 1.5 inches long. A year later he is now 10 inch., and has a white bump/spot on his lip. It is from running into and rubbing against the glass, as they do it constantly to attract attention. Usually because they always want to feed all the time, just like dogs. Oscars are very aggressive eaters. they also like to scoop up the rocks from the bottom, which also adds to the bump on the lip, and spit them out on the other side of the tank.
I’ve owned MANY oscars over the years and I’ve kept all of them with gravel. I’ve never had a single one of them eat gravel and die lol.
And i keep him with pike jack Dempsey’s pleco’s bichirs and a tire track eel, bear min for ONE is 55 not two. I also kept silver arowanas for years.
That really all depends on how on top of cleaning and changing water you are. I have two 10 inch. Oscars in a 60 gallon, for a year now. No problems what so ever. Though I do keep to a strict twice a week water change of at least 50% with one of those being a full cleaning. But I am upgrading so they will be able to stretch their legs out a little more so to speak.
my oscar is 3 years old it takes time for them to get that big.
I don’t have any context for what you just said. My Oscars are only 1 year old and are at 10 inch. now. I was told they should hit adult size( about 10 inch.) in 1 year. Keep hearing that you must have at least 55 gallons per adult Oscar. I find that to be true if one is lax on cleaning.
?adlut size can be more than 10 inches, like i said my oscar is 15 inches and he’s in a 125
An oscar is considered at adult size at around 10 inch.. And yes, they do get much, much bigger. The local aquatic shop had an albino at 18.5 inch..
hell I got 2 Oscars 10 inches eatch in my 80 gallon tank and they never mess with my corey catfish n bought a feeder goldfish a year witch they didn’t an is know 7 inches.
Who told you that you can’t have nothing but Oscars in one tank because I have one oscar with a blood parrot, red devil, 3 jack dempsey and 2 sharks.
I love the way they move plants around and beat on them its hilarious I also love how there so happy to see there owner feeding time or not haha.
I have a 120 gallon tank with a large Oscar, a Red Striped Earth Eater, a Jack Dempsey and a Convict. They have been fine, up until recently as it looks like the Jack and the Red have been corning the Oscar trying to take over his territory. He has been darker in color and huddling in the corner. Though he is much larger than the others, he isn’t really aggressive. Any advice, before he gets too stressed?